File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
- dir Engineering
- dir COD_ENG_OUT_arduino_code
- dir include
- file defines.hpp This file contains all the defines for the project.
- dir lib
- dir ASL
- dir Game_Logic
- dir src
- file animations.cpp This file contains the animations for the game.
- file interupt.cpp This file contains all interupt routines.
- file main.cpp This file contains the main loop and setup of the game.
- dir test
- file 001-TestCase_Requirements.cpp This file contains the test cases for the requirements of the game logic.
- file 002-TestCase_ComputerPlayer.cpp Test cases for the computer player.
- file 003-TestCase_Session_and_Player.cpp Test cases for various situations during a game.
- file marked_dice.hpp This file contains the dice values for the test cases.
- dir include
- dir COD_ENG_OUT_arduino_code